
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

At Noon The Myth Was Shattered

At Noon The Myth Was Shattered

Ahmed Bah'a Eldeen

This book is just an attempt to put the stage of the Arab-Israeli conflict within its proper historical frame by seeking for the facts and witnesses in western and Israeli sources. It is the book "At Noon the Myth Was Shattered" by Ahmad Bahauldin, issued in February 1974. What is it all about ?!

The book consists of nine chapters; every chapter has a topic that reflects its content of facts. There is also analysis for some incidents in order to make reader understand and appreciate the comprehensiveness of the situation.

On the war of June 1967, the author writes, "you cannot talk about October war and appreciate it as it should without hinting at the war of 1967 and its effects. Both wars, actually, are two battles in one war.

The war of June 1967 has deeply affected the style of political and military work and even the spirit of peoples.

"The war of June 1967 was just a trap for Arabs. Israel put a plan in 11 years; their interests in the Middle East are the interests of super-power countries. But we cannot deny our responsibility for the defeat".

The author says, "honestly, if we are trying to analyze the reasons of defeat, we have to categorize all and every negative act in our contemporary life. Anyway, we should admit that the defeat was the sperm of the Israeli fable".

Elements of the fable
"Israel tried to make itself a myth or a legend; a fabulous story and a mysterious figure that could be loved or hated, but anyway it should be frightening for the whole globe as its being unconquerable." Such option was not strange for such people who think themselves to be God's chosen people.

"Israel advertised for a complicated legend consisting of political, economic and military elements; Zionism is a legend that managed, in 50 years, to turn dreams into facts. And Jew is another category of mankind who can turn dust into gold, ruins into cities and swamps into green zone, once they touch them.

"Though such legend could be easily denied, that historical era helped Zionists to achieve their goals in Palestine. But we have to assert that the progress they made is not that fabulous; there are other countries that managed to make such progress in a shorter time.

"The military element of the fable was the most dangerous on the spirits of Arabs, despite its not being the only decisive in the race track. We can understand that the Israeli propaganda, firstly, was sharper than their artillery; they described the war of June 1967 as the real gap between Arabs and Israel, and the world should completely believe in such saying.

"Every Israeli General became a fable and a mysterious character, every soldier is a hero, every citizen is James Bond. The Israeli man is the new superman, however, Arabs are the most fool and degrading and even the most stupid men who cannot understand the radical changes in the world.

"Within the frame of such concept, books, movies, novels and articles spread out violently everywhere; the massive propaganda succeeded in convincing the international public opinion that their legend is a fact. Such poison sneaked, in maximum dose, into the spirits of Arabs which was the actual goal.

"The psychological obstacle was superior to the dusty one of Barlev. Now that Arabs believe that the enemy is unconquerable, they cannot compare themselves to the lofty Israeli people who are competent in all fields, especially the military field.

"The Israeli front line had the feeling of upset-possessed Arabs, and they could not imagine that their legend will turn into an overdose wine that made them lose their minds and soon they became the victims of their lie."

The war of Attrition
Israel expected Arab's surrender after the war of June 1967. Moshe Dayan; the then Israeli Minister of War said that he was at his home, waiting the reactions of Arabs. But Arabs rejected the stepping down of the late leader, Gamal Abdel-Naser; went out in the middle of the night denying and condemning the surrender and asking for a firm standing against the enemy.

Such firm standing should be asserted practically; on the first of July 1967, the Israeli artillery and air force failed to capture the position "Ras El-Ash" at the eastern bank of the Suez Canal. Heroes of the famous battle "Ras El-Ash", were only 30 soldiers and a limited popular resistance at the west bank.

Battles of resistance came frequently; on July 14,1967, a small Egyptian torpedo boat managed to scuttle the famous destroyer; Ilat, in a battle that made a radical change in the history of the naval thought. Such battle was followed by the aching decision of declaring the cities of the Suez Canal evacuated.

Such period of strife gave the opportunity of restructuring the armed forces. The Egyptian citizens participated, with all their potentialities in the process of restructuring without giving heed for the Israeli mockery.

Now that the stage of confrontation ended, the stage of deterrence has been started in September1968, to reaffirm the determination of the Egyptian will.

In such stage soldiers have practiced good experience that made them competent. They made many successful attempts in the way and technique of crossing.

The author of our book gives scores of examples of the courageous battles through which the Egyptians have scored their desired goals.

His facts are based on the Israeli official statements that assert the violence of such Egyptian military operations.

Israel fortified its positions on the west bank of the Suez Canal; by building the fortified stronghold Barlev Line; a chain of fortifications along its front with the Egyptian side. Once again, Israel tried to categorically affect the psychological state of the Egyptians by skirmishes of their air force.

Another stage

They were all determined to establish such net, sacrificing whatever losses or casualties. At the end our will triumphed and the anti-aircraft missiles net started to operater on June 30,1970, in a most gloomy day in the history of the Israeli Air Force.

Our net had downed 4 aircrafts, in one day, and captured three pilots. Surprise

Surprise is the first and foremost issue that October War arise; the author asserts, " There was an element of surprise for the enemy in that lofty war which helped determine it".

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