
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Victory ... Peace …Development

Victory ... Peace …Development

On the sixth of October 1973, our Egyptian Armed Forces engaged in a battle for honour; liberating the Egyptian land. By virtue of the leadership wisdom, accurate planning and the soldiers' courage, a military miracle took place. Our Egyptian Air Force flew over the enemy's fortifications launching, successfully, the first air strike that opened the gate of triumph, confused the enemy ranks and severed the alleged long arm of Israel.

That was when our troops crossed the Suez Canal and destroyed the Barlev line by which Israel had terrified the whole world, in turn they themselves believed the lie of the myth.

And that was when the Egyptian soldier managed to face the enemy's heavy artillery; it was courage that put an end to the war and made a coup in the military and strategic concepts.

Breaking the myth of the invincible Israel, was the incident that paved the way before the political and psychological balance and opened the gate for peace; the matter for which a battle of another kind was a prerequisite. Egypt had another battle seeking for a comprehensive peace and Arab-Israeli coexistence; the result was the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty.

The October victory unleashed energies for construction and modernization. A third battle was waged; establishing a modern country. The Egyptian revival, under the sponsorship of President Mubarak, swept. The whole world has testified to our economic reform program that works successfully. They hailed our management in achieving the infrastructure, production and high-level standards and growth rates, besides the economic boom.

Egypt looks to the past only to remember its martyrs and the great sacrifices of its men. As to the future, Egypt is planning on solid bases and sound foundations, equipped with the faith and determination of people to continue the victorious march started in October 1973.

Of all Arab countries, Egypt bore the brunt of three decades of military hostilities with Israel. Seeking peace, Egypt was sincere out of unshakable conviction that peace should prevail if the long-volatile Middle East area is to start catching up with the economic locomotive vigorously chugging ahead everywhere else.

This may explain why Cairo has been in the fore of the world countries striving to make peace a reality in this region. And in doing so, Egypt takes no sides, rather siding with a durable and lasting peace, which could brighten up the prospects in the region and consign animosity to history.

Without establishing this peace, any talk about economic boom and cooperation in the Middle East would be day-dreaming, if not political self-deception.

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